Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 16-08-2016

Resolution No.(229) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"Ruling on Transferring the Accounts of Mosques Support and Charity Committees into one General Account "

Date: (23/Shawal/1437), corresponding to (28/7/2016).


 All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

During its ninth session held on the above date, the Board reviewed the question of His Excellency the Director of Zarqa Awqaf Directorate, and it reads as follows:

I would like to bring to your kind attention the fact that Mosques Support and Charity Committees have inactive accounts in the Jordan Islamic Bank because they were either terminated, relieved from duty or made to resign. This resulted in a daily decrease in these accounts because of banks` rules and regulations in this regard. In fact, their inactivity is due to people`s unwillingness to form such committees or procrastination in forming new ones.

Therefore, we kindly request your Grace to clarify the ruling of Sharia on combining the above accounts into one general account, under the name "Mosques Restoration Committee", in the Jordan Islamic Bank which will employ its funds in different income generating projects. This way, the above accounts are preserved from elimination and profits are made. In addition, it is possible to give back these accounts to each mosque`s committee, upon formation, along with the profits collected from the Jordan Islamic Bank.

After deliberating, the Board decided what follows:

There is no harm in combining the accounts of the mosques committees-which are relieved from their duties or terminated-into one general account that follows the Directorate of Awqaf, Islamic Affairs and Holy Places under the name "Mosques Restoration Committee" in order to save the Awqaf and charities funds from decreasing due to banks rules and regulations in this regard. This is permissible under the condition that the funds are spent on the mosques for which the donations were made in the first place. This is because people donate to the mosque, not to the committee in charge of collecting donations to that mosque. In other words, the mosque`s committee is just a means to an end, thus if the means becomes a liability, it must be changed to achieve the higher objective of Sharia, which is preserving donations and spending them in the right channel. On its part, the Iftaa` Board advises banks to make exceptions when it comes to accounts pertaining to Zakah and charity committees, accredited by the government, through relieving their accounts from any charges that lead to a gradual decrease in their funds. And Allah Knows Best.


Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, Sheikh Abdulkareem Khasawneh

Vice Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, Prof. Ahmad Helayel/Member

Prof. Abdulrazak Abulbasal/ Member

Prof. Abdullah Al-Fawaz/ Member

Dr. Wa`el Arabyat/ Member

Dr. Yahia Al-Botoosh/ Member

Sheikh Sa`id Hijjawi/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Esa/ Member

Judge, Khalid Woraykat/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Zou`bi/ Member



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Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible for the guardian, or the father of the child to hit the latter in order to teach him/her good manners?

It is permissible for the guardian to hit his/her child for teaching them good manners once they become ten years old provided that it is done mildly, harmlessly and without intimidation. Actually, such punishment is to be employed gradually i.e. after: asking, warning, and scolding. As for the teacher, he isn`t allowed to hit the student unless the latter`s father approves of it, and it is done according to necessity without intimidation, or harm.

What should a woman who delayed making up for missed fast, due to menstruation, till the start of the next Ramadhaan ?

Whosoever broke fasting in Ramadhaan, and was able to make up for it, but didn`t until the next Ramadhaan started, is obliged to make up for the missed days, and to pay the ransom as well. However, if he/she wasn`t able to before next Ramadhaan due to an excuse, then he/she should only make up for the missed days .

What should a woman, who has given several births during different months of Ramadhaan, and didn`t make up for them in addition to forgetting the exact number of the days and years in which she had missed fasting, do ?

She should make up the days of Ramadhaan that she missed after estimating their number, and paying the ransom(in food) due on each day that she had delayed. She should also repay the ransom according to the number of years if she was able to fast before that time, but didn`t.

What is the ruling on having slight discharges of menstrual blood during a day of Ramadhaan, and before Maghrib time ?

A woman who is certain that her menses have started during a day time of Ramadhaan is in a state of menstruation, and her fasting is considered broken at first sight of blood. However, she is rewarded for not breaking fast at the beginning of day time.