Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 08-12-2015


Resolution No.(98) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"Ruling on the Statute of Al-Ballorah Assakhina Employees` Association"



We have received the following question:

What is the ruling of Islamic Sharia on the statute of Al-Ballorah Assakhina Association?

Answer: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

Having reviewed the statute of the above association, the Board is of the view that article four of the annexed statute must be amended. It originally stated:

"A member of the association shall be responsible for paying the price of the commodity after examining it and agreeing with the seller on the price, and he shall not hand the money to the beneficiary whatever the case may be."

The Board believes that this article must be rewritten as follows: "The association shall deputize one of its members to purchase the commodity required by the beneficiary after examining it and paying its price to the seller. Once the association takes possession of the commodity, it shall resell it to the beneficiary."

The Board have demanded this amendment because it isn`t permissible for the association to sell the commodity to the beneficiary except after purchasing and taking possession of it so as to avoid the suspicion of Riba (usury/interest), as indicated in the following Hadith narrated by Hakim Bin Hizam: "I bought some food and made food and made a profit on it (by selling it) before I took possession of it. I came to the Messenger of Allah and told him about that and he said: "Do not sell it until you take possession of it." {Narrated by Ahmad in his Mussnad, vol.3/pp.402}. And Allah Knows Best.


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Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible for the man to go out wearing shorts?

All Perfect Praise is due to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds

It is permissible as long as his Awrah(private part), which is between his navel and knee, is covered. However, the regular wear traditions and modesty are to be observed. And Allah Knows Best

Is everyone obligated to follow the fatwas of his country, and if we adopt the fatwas of scholars of other countries, is it considered a sin?

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Wolrds and may His Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all of his family and companions.

It is permissible for the person who isn't specialized in Sharia sciences to apply the opinions of renowned scholars whom he trusts ,whether they be from his own country or not ,but if the scholars have different opnions regarding a certain issue/matter, then he must consult someone who is more knowledgeable than himself .It is preferable that you (the questioner) specify the case of your interest ,so that we could give you a more specific answer since some scholars deliver fatwas based on illogical/atypical opinions which should not be applied no matter what .And Allah The Exalted Knows Best.

What is the semi-circular structure abutting the Holy Kabah?

It is the Black Stone of the Holy Kabah, and one should pass from behind it while offering Tawaf(circumambulation) because it is part of the Kabah.

Is it disliked to clip one`s nails at night, and is it permissible to burn them afterwards?

It is desirable to bury the cut hair and the clipped nails. As for burning clipped nails, there is no evidence forbidding that , but it is better to suffice with the aforesaid ruling-burying cut hair and clipped nails-as it is based on a well known evidence.