Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 02-11-2015

Resolution No.(148)(13/2010) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies: "Rulings on some Examples of Lawyers` Work"
Date: 2/9/1431 AH, corresponding to 12/8/2010 AD.


During its ninth session held on the above date, the Board reviewed the following question:
What is the ruling of Sharia on a lawyer`s work in the following cases:
First Case: When the lawyer concludes a contract with accident-damaged people and  persons who have insurance, where he buys the case from them for a certain price in return for taking everything that he manages to collect from the insurance company?
Answer: This case is similar to purchasing debt, which is claimed by an accident- damaged person, from the insurance company. It is forbidden for two reasons:
First: The lawyer pays an advanced sum of money to the damaged person so as to collect a larger deferred sum from the insurance company. This is forbidden usury because Allah, The Almighty, says(which means), " O ye who believe! Fear God, and give up what remains of your demand for usury, if ye are indeed believers."{Al-Baqarah/278}.
 Second: This transaction is aleatory because the lawyer pays a certain sum and doesn`t know how much he will collect from the insurance company, and this forbidden.
Second Case: When the lawyer concludes a contract with the accident-damaged persons like in the first case, but he gets 25% or more or less, out of whatever sum he manages to collect from the insurance company?
Answer: The Board believes that this is permissible in accordance with the view of the Hanbalite jurists who permit specifying a certain percentage as a fee out of a profit.
Third Case: When the lawyer concludes a deal with a man of wealth whereby the latter founds  a law firm to the former in return for a percentage from the revenues of particular cases?
Answer: The Board believes that this is permissible on basis of partnership as is the view of the Hanbalite jurists. Therefore, the revenues should be divided between the two partners as agreed. However, if the wealthy person fully equips that law firm and collects his money as a rent paid by the lawyer, then this is acceptable as agreed by the Muslim scholars. And Allah knows best.


Head of the Iftaa` Board, The Grand Mufti of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, His Grace Sheikh Abdulkareem Al-Khasawneh
Vice Head of the Iftaa` Board, Dr. Ahmad Hilayel
Dr. Yahia Al-Botoosh/ Member
His Eminence, Sheikh Sa`ied Hijjawi/ Member
Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Essa
Judge Sarrie Attieh
Dr. Abdulrahman Ibbdah/ Member
Dr. Mohammad Oklah/ Member
Dr. Abduln`nassir Abu Al Bass`al/ Member
Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh/ Member
Dr. Mohammad Al-Gharaibeh/ Member
Executive Secretary of the Iftaa` Board, Dr. Ahmad Al-Has`sanat

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Summarized Fatawaa

What is the ruling on the mother who resorts to practitioners of witchcraft to make her son hate his wife?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

What she is doing is forbidden and amongst the seven destructive sins. Hence, she must make repentance, seek forgiveness from Allah, regret what she has done and adhere to the teachings of Sharia. And Allah the Almighty knows best.

Is Zakah(obligatory charity) due on the equipments used in the trading process such as: cars , shops etc..?

No Zakah is due on equipments used in the trading process such as cars and the like.

What is the ruling on using bank cards such as Visa and MasterCard ?

It is permissible to use such cards in accordance with the following conditions : 1-The issuing body does not stipulate collecting interest upon late payments. 2-The merchant does not increase the price of the goods due to an increase in the commission collected from him by the card issuer.3-The purchased item(s) should not be gold , silver or currency in case the card is not covered

I have a question regarding the deferred portion of the dowry (Mahr)*. Is the wife entitled to it only upon divorce or she can claim it even if divorce hasn`t taken place? Moreover, does she have the right to claim this portion after death of husband, even if he didn`t divorce her before that?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of The Worlds. May His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
In the marriage contract, it is recorded that the deferred portion of the dowry is due upon divorce or death, whatever comes first. If divorce took place first then the woman is entitled to it and if the husband died this amount must be paid from his estate. On the other hand, if the woman died then the husband becomes liable for this portion and it becomes part of the woman`s estate. We advise every husband to give this portion to his wife while alive because it is a right of hers. And Allah the Almighty knows best.
* In Islam, a mahr is the obligation, in the form of money or possessions paid by the groom, to the bride at the time of Islamic marriage (payment also has circumstances on when and how to pay). While the mahr is often money, it can also be anything agreed upon by the bride such as jewelry, home goods, furniture, a dwelling or some land. Mahr is typically specified in the marriage contract signed upon marriage.