Our Services

Our Services 
1-Send your question
2-Issuance of Divorce Fatwas 
3-WhatsApp and telegram
4-Fatwas delivered by the electronic website
5-Fatwas issued over the phone
6-Family reform and settling disputes
8-Complaints and suggestions
9-Deliverance of Fatwas in written form
10-Personal interviews
11-Zakat calculation
12-Guide of Fatwa issuance requests


Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible for one to shake hands with his uncle`s daughter?

No, it isn`t because he is a non-Mahram(Marriageable) to her.

Is it permissible for a religious young Muslim woman to love a young man for Allah`s sakes?

Such love between the two sexes is from the devil`s evil suggestions, and a pure Muslim woman should beware of such a matter, and she shouldn`t mix with non-Mahrams(Marriageable ).

Is it permissible to give the expiation due on the vow of anger to one person?

The expiation for the vow of anger-and that of the oath-is to be given to (10) needy persons, or a needy family of ten individuals, but giving it to one person is impermissible.

What is the expiation for breaking fast due to being on a journey, or being sick, or being in a state of menstruation?

No expiation is due on the aforesaid categories, but they are obliged to make up for the missed fast. However, if any of them failed to do so while being able to, and the next Ramadhaan has come, then making up for those days is incumbent on him/her , and paying the ransom as well.