During Ramadan, a man had sexual intercourse with his wife. What is the expiation for that? And is he permitted to pay the expiation?
If a man has intercourse with his wife during the daytime in Ramadan, he must make up for that day and offer expiation. The expiation is fasting for two consecutive months. If he is unable to do so, he must feed sixty needy people. And Allah Knows Best.
I missed fasting 30 days of the obligatory fast within the last 6 years and 20 days. How do I fast? And what should I do?
Missed fasting days must be made up, and it is permissible to make them up on non-consecutive days, as continuity is not required for making up missed fasts. Additionally, expiation (Fidya) must be given: feeding one needy person for each day if the makeup is delayed for one year. If the delay extends to two years, Fidya must be given to two needy people per day, and so on. And Allah Knows Best.
What is the Du`a (supplication) of Istikhara (guidance prayer)?
O Allah, I consult You as You are All-Knowing and I appeal to You to give me power as You are Omnipotent, I ask You for Your great favor, for You have power and I do not, and You know all of the hidden matters. O Allah! If you know that this matter (then he should mention it) is good for me in my religion, my livelihood, and for my life in the Hereafter, or he said: "for my present and future life" then make it (easy) for me. And if you know that this matter is not good for me in my religion, my livelihood and my life in the Hereafter, or he said: "for my present and future life" then keep it away from me and take me away from it and choose what is good for me wherever it is and please me with it."
If someone unknowingly bought stolen cement multiple times, and if the seller is revealed, will my husband bear any sin?
The sin of the theft falls on the one who stole. However, the person who used the cement must pay its value to the rightful owner from whom it was stolen, and then seek reimbursement from the seller. If the thief compensates the rightful owner, there is no liability on the person who used the cement. And Allah Almighty Knows Best.