Is it permissible to perform Tayammum for a month due to a medical condition that requires avoiding water?
Tayammum is permissible so long as the above excuse lasts. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible for a woman to leave her house wearing brightly colored clothing?
Brightly colored clothing is of woman's adornments, however; and this shouldn't be revealed save to her husband and Mahrams. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible for a mother to stop her daughter from marrying a respectable, God-fearing young man because he isn't college/university graduate?
It is impermissible to deny a woman her right in getting married except for a lawful reason, and problems can be solved through dialogue. However, she can file a suit in order for the judge to have a say in that regard.
Is a wife considered divorced if her husband refused to go to bed with her (for sexual intercourse) for two months?
A wife doesn`t get divorced no matter for how long her husband refuses to have sex with her, and she had better go to court.