Is it permissible to offer Tahajjud prayer after Witr prayer?
It is permissible to offer voluntary prayer after Witr (An odd number prayer performed between Isha and Fajr) prayer. However, it is desirable that the night prayer be ended with Witr. Therefore, it is desirable for one, who thought that he was most probably going to wake up at night in order to offer Tahajjud, to offer Witr after it, but one, who fears that he might not wake up, should offer Witr before going to bed.
Does Husband fasting while being impure for having sexual intercourse with his wife at night permissible?
Yes it is permissible for you to fast because impurity isn't among valid fasting conditions, but you are obliged to perform ritual impurity in order to catch up Fajr prayer at its due time. And Allah Knows Best.
A man has raped a woman and she gave birth to a baby boy. To whom should that baby be attributed?
All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
First of all, the adulterer must be punished according to the rules of Sharia and the baby isn`t attributed to him. Rather, it is attributed to the mother. This adulterer has committed a grave sin and incurred the wrath of Allah. We advise him to make sincere repentance to Allah and pray that Allah forgives him. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.
What is the ruling on shaving one`s beard?
All Perefct Praise is due to Allah The Lord of The Worlds.
Growing a beard is an obligation and a Muslim shouldn't do otherwise, besides; what is obligatory in Islam shouldn't be violated save for a necessity. And Allah Knows Best.