I am a wholesale gold trader. My clients are retail gold shop owners. I sell them gold jewelry and ornaments on credit, and they repay me in weekly installments over a period of two months or more. The payments are made in cash for the labor charges and for the gold they owe me. In return, they may give me either cash or used gold.
It is not permissible to sell gold or silver on an installment basis or with a deferred payment; rather, immediate exchange is required. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Gold for gold, silver for silver, wheat for wheat, barley for barley, dates for dates, and salt for salt, like for like, hand to hand. Whoever gives more or asks for more has engaged in usury; the giver and receiver are the same in this regard." (Muslim). Additionally, the weight of the gold must be equal when exchanging new for used; otherwise, it involves usury. The solution is to buy the used gold with cash, then sell the new gold for cash as well. However, payment must be made at the time of the transaction in both cases. Alternatively, one could take the used gold with the intention of refining it, reshape it into a new form, or repair it, then take a fee for the workmanship or repair. And Allah Knows Best
Islamic creed is a comprehensive creed, and if there is any defect, the creed of the individual or group is not correct. Is the creed of the Sufis correct or not?
Sufism is the practice of applying knowledge; this is how Al-Imam Al-Sha'rani defined it. If some among them have deviations in creed, it is not permissible to generalize this to all Sufis, as there are those among them who are acknowledged by all scholars for their knowledge and virtue. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.
What is the expiation for breaking fast due to being on a journey, or being sick, or being in a state of menstruation?
No expiation is due on the aforesaid categories, but they are obliged to make up for the missed fast. However, if any of them failed to do so while being able to, and the next Ramadhaan has come, then making up for those days is incumbent on him/her , and paying the ransom as well. And Allah Knows Best.
Is Zakah due on the orphan`s money?
Yes, Zakah is due on the money of the orphan.