What is the ruling on swearing on the Holy Quran and breaking that oath?
It is impermissible to swear on the Holy Quran in vain, and it is also impermissible to subject it to such an act since breaking the oath after swearing on the Quran entails an expiation.
Is it true that if a ritually impure, or a menstruating woman visits one who is in confinement, harm will be inflicted on the latter, or her baby?
This is completely wrong and unfounded piece of information.
Is it permissible for a Muslim to slaughter an Aqeeqah on behalf of someone else, and offer it to him as a gift?
In principle, the guardian is the one who should offer the Aqeeqah (the sheep slaughtered on the seventh day from the child`s birth) because he is obliged to provide for the newborn, and it is impermissible for anyone else to slaughter it on his behalf unless with his consent. However, it is permissible for a person to offer the sheep, or its price as a gift to the guardian of the newborn, and then the latter can slaughter it, or deputies someone else to do that on his behalf.
What is the amount of Zakah (obligatory charity) due on articles of merchandise?
The amount of Zakah due on articles of merchandise is (2.5%) of each article`s value after a whole lunar year had lapsed.