الموقع الرئيسي


Dr. Zaid Ibrahim Al-Kilani Appointed as the Secretary-General of the General Iftaa` Department
Author : The General Iftaa` Department
Date Added : 28-11-2023

Dr. Zaid Ibrahim Al-Kilani Appointed as the Secretary-General of the General Iftaa` Department



The Grand Mufti and the staff of the General Iftaa` Department extend their warmest congratulations to Dr. Zaid Ibrahim Al-Kilani on the occasion of the Cabinet's decision to appoint him as the Secretary-General of the General Iftaa` Department.


We ask Allah the Almighty for guidance and success to him and us.

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Summarized Fatawaa

Is it incumbent on a family to provide for its old handicapped son and take care of him?

The family and relatives- e.g.brothers- of such a person are obliged to spend on him and take care of him if he didn`t have money of his own.

Is it permissible for a woman to pluck her eyebrows, or to shave them and have a tattoo in their place?

It is forbidden for a woman to pluck her eyebrows, or to shave them and have a tattoo in their place since this is called (Nums), and the Prophet(PBUH) has cursed those who do it.

What is the ruling of Sharia on tubal ligation?

All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
Undergoing tubal ligation* to protect the mother`s health is permissible provided that this procedure is performed based on professional opinion of trustworthy medical doctors. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

*Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for female sterilization in which the fallopian tubes are permanently blocked, clipped or removed. This prevents the fertilization of eggs by sperm and thus the implantation of a fertilized egg. Tubal ligation is considered a permanent method of sterilization and birth control.



Is it permissible for a woman who is in her `Iddah (waiting period) due to the death of her husband to go out and mix with non-Mahrams(Marriageable men)?

A woman in such a situation is only allowed to leave her house for a sound reason such as visiting the doctor, and she is only allowed to mix with her Mahrams(Non-Marriageable kin) since it is permissible for a woman, whether in her `Iddah, or not, to mix with her husband and Mahrams. However, she is allowed to accept condolences, and answer inquiries about her situation after such a calamity.