Is Zakah (obligatory charity) due on the Zakah money received by a poor person, and reached a Nissab (minimum amount liable for Zakah), and a whole lunar year had lapsed over having it in his possession?
Yes, the poor who possessed a Nissab for a whole lunar year is obliged to pay the Zakah due on that money even if it was given to him as a Zakah money in the first place. And Allah Knows Best.
What is the ruling on buying a car from someone for less than the market price, because they are in a hurry to travel and want to sell their belongings at a lower price due to their urgency?
Yes it is permissible; however, a Muslim shouldn't take advantage of other's difficult situations.
Is it permissible for a guardian (Big brother) to unlawfully stop his sister from getting married?
If the guardian denies her right in getting married for an unlawful reason, she should go to court in order to settle that matter, and the guardian is considered sinful in this case.
Is it permissible to use the term 'Al-Jalalah' (Majesty) for anyone other than Allah, The Exalted?
In the Arabic language, a man of dignity and reverence is described as 'Jaleel' (noble), and similarly, an elder or a woman of dignity may be described as 'Jaleelah'. In such contexts, one may use the title 'His Majesty' or 'Her Majesty.' However, the Majesty of Allah, The Exalted, is unlike the majesty of humans, just as His hearing is not like our hearing, and His sight is not like our sight. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.