Does wiping over one's socks during ablution permissible?
If the socks were thick, then wiping over them during ablution is permissible so long as wiping conditions are observed. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible for a person who is in a state of Janabah (Ritual impurity) to clip his nails, or to cut his hair?
It is permissible for those in a state of Janabah and menstruation to clip their nails and to shave whatever hair that is permissible to be shaved. And Allah Knows Best.
I went to the health center today to take an intramuscular injection of Neurorubin B12. The nurse told me that this type of injection breaks the fast because it nourishes the body. Is this true? I have heard that intramuscular injections do not break the fast, but I was unsure about this type, so I decided not to take the injection.
Therapeutic injections administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly do not invalidate the fast because they do not enter the digestive tract through an open passage. However, intravenous injections containing nutritional fluids do break the fast, as they are akin to food and drink in effect. The B12 injection is a therapeutic injection and does not break the fast. And Allah Knows Best.
What is the expiation for breaking fast due to being on a journey, or being sick, or being in a state of menstruation?
No expiation is due on the aforesaid categories, but they are obliged to make up for the missed fast. However, if any of them failed to do so while being able to, and the next Ramadhaan has come, then making up for those days is incumbent on him/her , and paying the ransom as well. And Allah Knows Best.