What should I do in order to wake up for Fajr (dawn) prayer?
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds What should I do in order to wake up for Fajr (dawn) prayer? Answer: Some of the acts that aid in offering Fajr prayer are: 1- Going to bed early. 2- Willingness to wake up. 3- Reciting Al-Korsi verse from Chapter Al-Baqarah. 4- Taking refuge in Allah from the cursed devil, and making ablution immediatley after being awake, but it is preferable to ask someone to help in this regard to perform the Fajr prayer. And Allah Knows Best.
Should a woman who broke her fast because of delivery make up for missed fasting days before the next Ramadhaan, and what is the expiation due on her in case she delayed making up for them ?
She should make up for missed fasting days before the start of next Ramadan if possible, but if she didn`t while being able to, then she is obliged to make up for them along with feeding a needy person for each delayed day of the missed fasting days. However, if she wasn`t able to make up for the missed fasting days before the start of next Ramadan, she has to fast a day for every day that she missed, and no ransom is due on her. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible for a woman to visit the doctor while in her `Iddah (waiting period)?
It is permissible for her to do that during day time, but it is impermissible for her to leave her house at night except for a sound reason. And Allah Knows Best.
How are gaps filled during congregational prayer?
A praying person is allowed to take two steps in order to fill the gap in the row ahead. If the distance was long and requires much movement, then it is impermissible for one to move to fill it because much consecutive movement (three movements) during prayer invalidates it.