Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 04-02-2018

Resolution No.(250) (1/2018) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"Performing Obligatory Prayers According to their Current Timings(In Jordan) Avails a Person"

Date 11/Jumada Al-Aoal/1439 AH, corresponding to 28/1/2018 AD


On its 2nd session held on the above date, the Board reviewed the questions raised recently regarding the validity of prayers and fasting on basis of the current prayer timings effective in our beloved country, Jordan.

After deliberating, the Board arrived at the following resolution:

Allah, The Almighty, Enjoined prayers on Muslims at stated times where He Said {What means}: "For such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times." {An-Nisa`,103}. This means that each prayer has its own particular time at which it must be performed. The Prophet (PBUH) has clarified when the time for each prayer starts and when its ends. On this basis, Muslims have worked hard, throughout the ages, to specify the timings of prayers, so they relied on Azan (Call to prayer) in performing prayers.

The same method was observed in Jordan until recent decades. A detailed annual calendar of prayer times for different parts of the Kingdom is issued by the Ministry of Awqaf, Islamic Affairs and Holy Places. Mou`azins adhere to it and it observes evidence from Sharia and astronomical signs. Moreover, this calendar, which is supervised by a special department of the Ministry, is based on detailed studies and forecasts carried out by several committees in the past. These studies were included in a detailed, independent and printed book that could be checked at any time.

Therefore, the Iftaa` Board confirms that following this calendar avails a person in terms of the validity of their acts of worship, God willing, and whoever adheres to it is on the safe side as far as fulfilling the conditions validating prayer and fasting are concerned. Accordingly, it is impermissible to circulate rumors via social media to make people doubt the validity of their acts of worship and the pillars of their faith. 

On this occasion, the Board highly commends the tremendous efforts exerted by the Ministry of Awqf in this regard. It prays that Allah, The Almighty, Accepts acts of worship from all Muslims, and that He, The Exalted, Teaches us the wisdom behind worship as well as the higher objectives of Sharia (Maqasid Al-Sharia). And Allah Knows Best.


Chairman of Iftaa` Board,

Grand Mufti of Jordan,

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh

Sheikh Abdulkareem Al-Khasawneh, Member

Prof. Abdulnaser Abulbasal,  Member

Dr. Ahmad Al-Hasanat, Member

Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Esa, Member

Dr. Majid Darawsheh, Member

Sheikh Sa`eid Al-Hijjawi, Member



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Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible for the man to go out wearing shorts?

All Perfect Praise is due to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds

It is permissible as long as his Awrah(private part), which is between his navel and knee, is covered. However, the regular wear traditions and modesty are to be observed. And Allah Knows Best

It was found out that a man divorced his wife for the third time in 2005, but they continued cohabiting as man and wife. However, when they realized that what they were doing was unlawful, they came the Iftaa` Department in 2009 and were told that they can`t be together. What is the position of Sharia on this couple?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
Her Iddah* period starts after the third divorce. As for the continued cohabitation, it is unlawful because being ignorant about the rulings of Sharia while in Dar Al-Islam* is no valid excuse. If a baby came as the fruit of this unlawful consummation of marriage, then a judge of Sharia has the final say in this regard because lineage is a serious matter. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.
* ʿIddah: a specified period of time that must elapse before a Muslim widow or divorcee may legitimately remarry. The Qurʾān (2:228) prescribes that a menstruating woman have three monthly periods before contracting a new marriage; the required delay for a nonmenstruating woman is three lunar months.
* Dar Al-Islam: designates a territory where Muslims are free to practice their religion, though this often implies the implementation of Islamic law, whereas Dar al-Harb represents those lands ruled by non-believers

Is it permissible for a person who broke fasting in Ramadhaan because of being sick to pay a ransom?

If there is hope for him/her to be cured, then he would be required to make up for the missed fasting days when he/she recovers, and no ransom is due on him/her. If his/her disease is incurable, then he/she would be required to pay a ransom for each missed fasting day, which is (600) grams of wheat, or rice.

Is the patient who is on dialysis twice a week obliged to observe fasting? Is his fasting on the days he is on dialysis considered valid or not?

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds.

Dialysis invalidates fasting because of the nutritional fluid used in that procedure, as pointed by specialized doctors, in addition to causing bodies to enter the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended that the patient who had undergone dialysis to observe fasting for the rest of that day, if he is able to, and make up for it after Ramadan. However, if the doctor told him that fasting, at any time, would damage his health, then he must break his fast and pay a ransom against every missed day. We pray that Allah blesses this person with recovery. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.