Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 28-10-2015


Resolution No.(113): “The Suit Filed against the Muslim Journalist who has Republished Cartoons Mocking the Prophet (PBUH)“

Date: 23/7/1427 AH, corresponding to 17/8/2006 AD.



The Board received the following question:

What`s the ruling of Sharia on the suit filed against the journalist Jihaad Al-Momani at Amman Sharia Court/ Cases Court before the judge Salah Shewayaat for the purpose of proving the apostasy of that journalist on charges of republishing the mocking cartoons of the Prophet (PBUH) at Sheehan weekly newspaper, when he was its editor in chief. This is in addition to his writing an article included in the same issue of that newspaper, where he criticized the violent response of Muslims to those images. The article is entitled: “Muslims of the world be patient! “

Answer: All success is due to Allah

The Board believes that since the above case is at bar, it is difficult to give an opinion in this regard without considering the details necessary for delivering a Sharia ruling. On the other hand, the Board has no right to summon someone for a hearing, because no request was made for obtaining a Fatwa from the Fatwa Board to that end. Therefore, the Board is of the view that the Sharia Court has the right of guardianship in the above case and that its rulings are subject to the oversight of the Sharia Court of Appeal. And Allah Knows Best.


The Iftaa' Board

                 Chairman of The Iftaa' Board/Cheif Justice Dr.Ahmad Hlyaal

                       Sheikh AbdelKareem Al-Khasawneh

    Dr. Yousef Ali  Ghythan 

                              Dr. Dr. Abd Al-Majeed Al-Salaheen         

                           Dr. Wasif Al-Bakhri                               

Sheikh Saeed Hijawii

    Sheikh Naeem Mujahid


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Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible for a woman who is observing `Iddah(waiting period) due to the death of her husband to travel for performing Umrah(Minor Hajj)?

A woman observing `Iddah of a revocable(Rajee`) divorce isn`t allowed to travel for Umrah except with the consent of her husband.

It is impermissible to pay the Zakah for settling the debt of the deceased since Zakah is paid to eligible recipients who are alive. As for the debts of the deceased, they are to be settled from the estate before dividing it amongst the heirs, but if the deceased didn`t leave an estate, then it is desirable for his/her heirs to settle those debts if they can afford them.

What`s the ruling on using the following materials in manufacturing cosmetics: olive oil, Vaseline, talc powder, glycerin, honey, almond oil, pine oil, galingale and marjoram?

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

None of the above materials is forbidden, and it`s lawful to use them in manufacturing products that are beneficial to people. This is because, in principle, all things are lawful so long as there is no evidence in Sharia indicating otherwise. And Allah Knows Best.

Who is “the poor” that is entitled to receive Zakah(obligatory charity)?

The poor is the one who has neither money nor a source of living, or has either of them, but it isn`t sufficient such as being in need for a hundred JDs, and having an income of forty JDs only.