Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 19-11-2015

Resolution No.(191)(11/2013) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"Over Denouncement of the Israeli Attempts To Divide Al-Aqsa Holy Mosque"

Date: the 2nd of Muharram , 1435 A.H, corresponding to the 6th of November , 2013 A.D.


 All perfect praise is due to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds; and may His peace and blessings be upon Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions:

The Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies discussed, in its tenth session held on the above given date, the Israeli aggression against Al-Aqsa Mosque; consequently, it has issued the following statement :

 Allah ,The Exalted ,Has Honored Al-Aqsa Mosque with a special status in the hearts of all Muslims, emanating from the essence of their belief  as it is the first of the two Kiblahs (Al-Aqsa Mosque and The Sacred Mosque of Makkah), the second of the two holy mosques (The sacred mosques of Makkah and Medina), the third of the Haraams as well as the place from where the Messenger (PBUH) embarked on his nocturnal journey (Al-Israa`wal Mi`raaj). Al-Aqsa Mosque is a sacred destination that the hearts of Muslims long to, and where their  rewards  are multiplied. The Messenger (PBUH) said: “You should not undertake a special journey to visit any place other than the three mosques: the Sacred Mosque of Makkah, this Mosque of mine and Al-Aqsa Mosque (of Jerusalem )." {Agreed upon}.

We, members of The Jordan Iftaa` Board, who are privileged with a wise Hashemite leadership that spares no effort in restoring and defending Al-Aqsa Mosque based on a deeply-rooted Islamic conviction that tightly bonds all Muslims, stress our dismissal of the Israeli acts of escalation which are intended to provoke the feelings of  Muslims as well as divide and judaize  the Mosque. Allah, The Exalted, Said (What means): “And who does greater evil than he who bars God's places of worship, so that His Name be not invoked in them, and strives to ruin them?; such men might never enter them, save in fear; for them in this world is degradation; and in the Hereafter a mighty chastisement." {Al-Baqarah/114}. 

We highly appreciate the steadfastness of our Palestinian brothers  and commend their heroic defense of Jerusalem and the holy places. We beseech Allah to grant them victory and keep them strong. In this era, it is the duty of  Muslims: people, leaderships, governments or thinkers to defend Al-Aqsa against different threats and offences.

 We sincerely pray that Allah pardons our sins , achieves our aspirations , grants us victory  and helps us retrieve our holy places; that is surely no difficult matter for Allah. And all perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The World.


 Chairman of the Iftaa` Board 

The General Mufti of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan/Abd Al-Kareem Al-Khasawneh .

Prof.Haiel Abd Al-Hafeed /member               Prof.Abd Al-Naasir Abu Al-Basal

His Eminence :Sheikh Sa`id Al-Hijawi/member             Dr.Yahia Al-Botosh

Prof.Mohammad Al-Gdah                              Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Es

Dr.Wasif Al-Bakri / member                            Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaileh/member

Dr.Mohammad Al-Zo`bi/member      



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Summarized Fatawaa

I wish I could pray in the mosque, but I know that it is better for a woman to pray at home. I know that the reward for going to the mosque is great, but is this reward restricted to men? I feel jealous of them for that. What should I do ? Is there a way for me to be favored with such reward?


All perfect praise be to Allah The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all of his family and companions.

Abdullah Ibin Masood reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Her prayer inside her home is better than its courtyard, and her prayer in her own bedroom is better than inside her home." [Abu Dawood]. Her staying at home, and not going to the mosque in obedience to Allah`s injunctions entails a great reward similar to that bestowed on a man for going to the mosque since the bounty of Allah is for all. And Allah Knows Best.

My father passed away before my grandfather. Am I entitled to any share of my grandfather`s inheritance?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
According to Islamic courts, you are entitled to what is called obligatory bequest (The distribution of estate to grandchildren who has either lost a parent before the death of the grandparents). Therefore, if your grandfather left such bequest for you, then take that share or else it is more prudent to take nothing. And Allah the Almighty knows best. 

I`m married to an American citizen who used to be married to a man in Mexico and filed for divorce there. It is worth pointing that in America she isn`t registered as married. When she arrived in Jordan, her lawyer called and told her that she got the divorce, and based on this we got married in Jordan. What is the ruling of Sharia on this?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of The Worlds. May His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
You haven`t mentioned whether this woman has converted to Islam or not. If she had embraced Islam and three menstrual cycles passed, but her first husband hasn`t converted to Islam, then her relationship with him is over. If you married her after this (Passing of three menstrual cycles and first husband not having embraced Islam) then your marriage is valid. However, if she didn`t convert to Islam then your marriage contract with her is invalid and you have to wait until she gets divorced by her first husband and observes Iddah, which is three menstrual cycles. Afterwards, you can conclude the marriage contract. We pray that Allah doesn`t hold you to account for what you have done because you thought she was divorced. We recommend that you seek Allah`s forgiveness as much as you can and do righteous deeds. We also advise you to marry a Muslim woman to preserve your and your children`s religion since Almighty Allah says {What means}: " Wed not idolatresses till they believe…" {Al-Baqarah, 221}. It is true that marrying a Kitabi (One who believes in a book of sacred scriptures and with whom a Muslim may marry in what is deemed a lawful marriage) is permissible, it involves great risks, as stated in the aforementioned verse. And Allah the Almighty knows best.

What should a person who was favored from Allah with a newborn, but couldn`t afford an Aqeeqah, do?

Aqeeqah(the sheep slaughtered on the seventh day from the child`s birth) is a desirable Sunnah for the financially able since Allah, The Exalted, charges not a soul beyond its capacity. Therefore, if the father couldn`t afford the Aqeeqah before the end of his wife`s confinement, then it isn`t due on him, and if he was able to afford it later on, then it is permissible, but if he didn`t until the child reached puberty, the latter can offer the Aqeeqah himself.