Is it permissible for a person who broke fasting in Ramadan because of being sick to pay a ransom?
If there is hope for him/her to be cured, then he would be required to make up for the missed fasting days when he/she recovers, and no ransom is due on him/her. If his/her disease is incurable, then he/she would be required to pay a ransom for each missed fasting day, which is (600) grams of wheat, or rice. And Allah Knows Best.
Should one fulfill his vow of donating an animal to the poor and needy with one sheep although he had repeated the vow several times?
Each vow has to be fulfilled, and repeating the words of the same vow for confirmation renders its fulfillment obligatory as one vow. As for multiple vows, they have to be fulfilled as well.
Is it permissible to offer one Rak`ah in Witr prayer?
The minimum of Witr (An odd number prayer performed between Isha`a and Fajr) prayer is one Rak`ah, and the maximum is eleven, but the minimum of its complete form is three, and it is permissible to offer one only.
Is a person who is in a state of Janabah (major ritual impurity due to having a marital intercourse, ejaculation, menstruation, and post-delivery impurities) sinful if he/she goes about his/her daily life activities in that state i.e. without making Ghusl (ritual bath)?
It goes without saying that a Muslim should always be in a state of ritual purity so as to be able to perform prayers and recite Quran. It is from Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) that a Muslim hastens to make Ghusl from Janabah, but he/she is not sinful in case he/she delayed that provided that he/she doesn`t miss prayers. However, it is permissible for him/her to go about their daily activities while in a state of Janabah, but had better bathe in order not to miss any prayer.