How to pay Zakah (obligatory charity) due on articles of merchandise?
Articles of merchandise are estimated by their whole sale market price at the end of each lunar year, and (2.5%) of their value is paid as Zakah whether it (value) went up, or down compared to actual purchasing price, and whether the increase (profit) was in the article itself such as an increase in the animal`s weight, or in the prices themselves. And Allah Knows Best.
Does touching women temporarily forbidden in marriage nullify ablution?
It is prohibited to touch, or to shake hands with such women as they are considered strangers, and doing so nullifies ablution.
Am I Permitted to Use Ill-gotten Money given to me from Sorcerer's Sons during during my Mother's condolence?
You are permitted to use this money if you were ascertain that the majority of his lawful money surpasses the unlawful one. And Allah Knows Best.
Is washing the private part after urinating (Istinjaa`) a condition, and is it done with water and soap, or with water only?
Istinjaa` is obligatory for removing impurity, and it can be done with toilet paper, or a stone, or water. It is preferable to do Istinjaa` first with paper, or stone, or the like, then to wash the private part with water until making sure that the impurity has been removed. Using soap is not a condition, but there is no harm in doing so provided that it is washed off with water. It is also permissible to use either water, or paper if impurity is removed by any.