A woman used contraceptive pills, and her menses exceeded (15) days, is it permissible for her to fast?
The maximum of menstrual blood is (15) days, but if it exceeded that due to a medication, or the like, then it is Istihadah (bleeding outside the monthly period), and in this case she should perform Ghusl (ritual bath), pray, and fast. Moreover, she is obliged to make up for the missed fasting days which exceeded her regular menses. And Allah Knows Best.
Is my husband entitled to take my salary?
Your salary is yours, and you may give some of it to him as a kind of free-will contribution.
Is it permissible to listen to chants praising the Prophet if accompanied by musical instruments?
If singing, or chanting in praise of the Prophet was accompanied by a forbidden musical instrument, then it is forbidden.
Is Zakah (obligatory charity) due on land intended for selling?
Yes, lands intended for trade are valued, and Zakah is paid according to their estimated value after a lunar year had lapsed, but if the owner didn`t pay the due Zakah, then he should do so after selling them.