A person owns sheep or goats and occasionally feeds them from the grass in other people's orchards without the owners’ permission. Is it permissible to eat the meat of these animals if invited to do so? Is it permissible to purchase from these sheep whose owner feed them from people's orchards without their permission, and can one accept gifts from them, such as meat or milk?
Yes, it is permissible because the one who is accountable is their owner, and the cost of the grass on his accountability. In addition, in order to be on the safe side you should abstain from eating his products, because his sheep case is as if they were fed on impurities. And Allah Knows Best.
Is the one who gives up on marriage because he can`t afford it considered sinful?
Marriage is desirable, but one who can`t afford it isn`t considered sinful. However, he should supplicate to Allah, and seek His forgiveness.
What is the ruling on someone who vowed to fast for two consecutive months, but failed to do so?
He is obliged to fulfill his vow by fasting for two consecutive months, but if he fails to do so then, it remains a debt on him until he either fulfills his vow, or dies. In case of his death, his guardian is supposed to fast on his behalf, or donate food from his estate in return for fasting, but if the guardian fails to do so then, it is all in the Hands of Allah.
Is it permissible to give the expiation due on the vow of anger to one person?
The expiation for the vow of anger-and that of the oath-is to be given to (10) needy persons, or a needy family of ten individuals, but giving it to one person is impermissible.