All Fatawaas

It is Prohibited to Dispose of Someone else's Property without Permission

A house has been vacant and abandoned for about 10 years. Its owners are not present and have been searched for extensively within the country with no success in locating them. There is a person whose family facing eviction from their apartment, having no other properties or funds. They intend to use this abandoned house and place their rent in a box until the owners are found. Is it permissible for them to use it in this manner until the owners are located?

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Ruling on Leasing a Property to a Usurious Bank

My grandmother leased a property to a usurious bank. After she passed away, we gave the bank a judicial notice to abandon the property, but the bank`s administration asked for a one-year extension. Is it permissible to agree to that?, Or should we continue with the court procedures, knowing that they will take one year? Moreover, is it permissible for my mother not to inform her nephews about this since they own 5% of the leased property? And what is the ruling on the rent, which is taken by my mother, since she hadn`t leased the property in the first place?

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Ruling on Usurper Disposing of Usurped Land

When a person takes a land from its rightful owner unjustly and builds on it, is the land and the building the right of the original owner?

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