
Subject : Should a Person Renew Ablution after Cutting the Nails
Fatwa Number : 2119
Date : 11-07-2012
Classified : "Ablution "Wudhou
Fatwa Type : Search Fatawaa

Question :

I cut my nails after making ablution, shall I renew my ablution or washing my hands will be enough?

The Answer :

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all of his family and companions.
You(Questioner) aren't obliged to renew your ablution nor to wash your hands according to your case whether cutting nails was done before or after making ablution and the same applies on trimming the hair, since they won't invalidate person's ablution. However, if you will to wash your hands for personal hygiene then it's up to you. And Allah knows best.



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