Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 27-10-2015


Resolution No.(124),(11/2008): “The Penalty Clause in Debts“

Date:29/11/1429 AH, corresponding to 27/11/2008 AD.


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

During its seventh session held on the above given date, the Iftaa` Board reviewed the penalty clause stated in some of the contracts that it had reviewed.

After thorough study and deliberation, the Board decided the following:

Giving the creditor the power to receive pecuniary charge and to claim it in case the debtor failed to repay him is called the penalty clause. This provision is invalid and renders the contract invalid, because it is from the Riba (usury/interest) of Jahilliyaah (the days and traditions of ignorance), and it is forbidden as stated in the Holy Quran. Whereas, Allah Says (what means): “but God hath permitted trade and forbidden usury.” (Al-Baqarah/275).

Receiving a pecuniary charge from the debtor in case of delay in payment is tantamount to stipulating it upon the conclusion of the contract. This is because it is the kind of Riba that the Arabs used to have at that time. They used to tell a debtor, “You either settle the debt, or add an interest.” {Kindly refer to Tafseer At-Tabari vol.3, pp.275}.

The penalty clause is an increase on the original value of the debt against delay in repayment. This increase is forbidden and invalid, whether it was stipulated in the contract such as the penalty clause, or was stipulated upon the deadline of the repayment.

Therefore, the penalty clause pertaining to debt settlement is parallel to acknowledging Riba upon concluding the contract, and this is forbidden in Islamic Sharia. And Allah Knows Best.


Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, the Grand Mufti of Jordan/ Dr. Nooh Al-Qodat

Vice Chairman of  the Iftaa` Board, Dr. Ahmad Hilayel/ Member

Sheikh Abdul-Kareem Al-Khsawneh/Member

Dr. Sa`eid Hijjawi/  Member

                   Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Essa/ Member

                                                              Judge Sari Attieh/ Member

          Dr. Abdurahman Ibdaah/ Member

       Dr. Mohammad Oklah/ Member

               Dr. Abdunnasser Abulbasal/ Member

                                            Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh/ Executive Secretary of the Iftaa Board        


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Summarized Fatawaa

I`m married to an American citizen who used to be married to a man in Mexico and filed for divorce there. It is worth pointing that in America she isn`t registered as married. When she arrived in Jordan, her lawyer called and told her that she got the divorce, and based on this we got married in Jordan. What is the ruling of Sharia on this?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of The Worlds. May His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
You haven`t mentioned whether this woman has converted to Islam or not. If she had embraced Islam and three menstrual cycles passed, but her first husband hasn`t converted to Islam, then her relationship with him is over. If you married her after this (Passing of three menstrual cycles and first husband not having embraced Islam) then your marriage is valid. However, if she didn`t convert to Islam then your marriage contract with her is invalid and you have to wait until she gets divorced by her first husband and observes Iddah, which is three menstrual cycles. Afterwards, you can conclude the marriage contract. We pray that Allah doesn`t hold you to account for what you have done because you thought she was divorced. We recommend that you seek Allah`s forgiveness as much as you can and do righteous deeds. We also advise you to marry a Muslim woman to preserve your and your children`s religion since Almighty Allah Says (What means): "Wed not idolatresses till they believe…" [Al-Baqarah/ 221]. It is true that marrying a Kitabi (One who believes in a book of sacred scriptures and with whom a Muslim may marry in what is deemed a lawful marriage) is permissible, it involves great risks, as stated in the aforementioned verse. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

Is it incumbent on a family to provide for its old handicapped son and take care of him?

The family and relatives- e.g.brothers- of such a person are obliged to spend on him and take care of him if he didn`t have money of his own.

Is it permissible for a woman to wear colored lenses?

All Perfect Praise is due to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds.

Wearing colored lenses for treatment is permissible, and wearing them as an adornment is also permissible, provided that she isn`t seen while having them on by non-Mahrams (Marriageable men). And Alalh Knows Best.

How is the Zakah(obligatory charity) on articles of merchandise calculated?

(2.5%) of each article`s value is paid as Zakah after a whole lunar year had lapsed.