What should I do in order to wake up for Fajr (dawn) prayer?
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds What should I do in order to wake up for Fajr (dawn) prayer? Answer: Some of the acts that aid in offering Fajr prayer are: 1- Going to bed early. 2- Willingness to wake up. 3- Reciting Al-Korsi verse from Chapter Al-Baqarah. 4- Taking refuge in Allah from the cursed devil, and making ablution immediatley after being awake, but it is preferable to ask someone to help in this regard to perform the Fajr prayer. And Allah Knows Best.
After a month and a half from the end of postpartum bleeding, my wife occasionally finds a small amount of blood, and she is breastfeeding. What is this blood, and should she fast and pray when she experiences it?
This is postpartum bleeding, so she should not fast or pray until she sees the signs of purity, unless it exceeds sixty days, as the maximum duration for postpartum bleeding is sixty days, and the majority of women experience forty days. If it exceeds sixty days, it is considered irregular bleeding (Istihada). It would be advisable to consult a doctor after the sixty days. And Allah Knows Best.
Is Zakah (obligatory charity) due on the items used in the trading process such as: cars , shops etc..?
No Zakah is due on equipments used in the trading process such as cars and the like.
I`m infatuated with a man, is it permissible for me to make supplication that he falls in love with me and becomes my husband?
Islam has honored women by being proposed to by men, and not the other way around, so it is inappropriate for a woman to propose to a man since one who hastens in asking for a thing prematurely shall be punished by deprivation. In fact, such a phenomenon is the result of unlawful mixing between the two sexes.