Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 06-04-2021

Resolution No.(300) (3/2021) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"Maintaining Unity to Cope with COVID-19"

Date: (17nth of Sha'ban, 1442 AH), corresponding to (31/3/2021 AD).


In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

In light of the spread of COVID-19, as experts have stated, and the fact that it is posing a serious threat to every member of our society, in addition to rising mortality rates, We pray to Allah to shower us with His mercy. We call on all Jordanians to unite in the face of this cunning enemy since Allah The Almighty Says {What means}: "Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour: fear Allah. for Allah is strict in punishment." {Al-Maida/2}.

In its meeting No.(4/2021) held on the above date, the Board of Iftaa` emphasized that the religious sentiment experienced by the loyal citizens during this pandemic is completely harmonious with the religious identity of our beloved Jordan, which is very keen on performing religious rights in all circumstances.

It is no secret that the competent authorities have recommended reducing the numbers of gatherings during particular hours of the day in a bid to minimize infections, which led to closing universities, institutions, schools and mosques. It is normal to have a sense of grief for not performing prayers at the mosque, however, this indicates perfection of faith. Allah The Almighty Says {What means}: "That (is the command). And whoso magnifieth the offerings consecrated to Allah, it surely is from devotion of the hearts." {Al-Haj/32}.

However, this religious sentiment shouldn`t be a cause for the spread of the pandemic and the division of Muslims particularly since the closures and their resulting rulings are subject to Ijtihad (Independent reasoning) where arriving at the right decision entails two rewards while arriving at the wrong decision entails one reward. Therefore, we shouldn`t accuse others of non-adherence to the general provisions of Islamic Law, question their intentions or tag them with treason. Allah The Almighty Says {What means}: "And whoso committeth a delinquency or crime, then throweth (the blame) thereof upon the innocent, hath burdened himself with falsehood and a flagrant crime." {An-Nisa`/112}.

It is the duty of every individual in this society to promote the culture of cohesion, collaboration, unity, and love. We should also enhance our confidence in religious role models and scholars of Sharia in compliance with this verse {What means}: "Who hear advice and follow the best thereof. Such are those whom Allah guideth, and such are men of understanding." {Az-Zumar/18}. Allah The Almighty also Says {What means}: "speak fair to the people" {Al-Baqarah/83}. We pray that every member of our community and their loved ones remain healthy and well. We also pray to Allah to protect our country and Hashemite leadership. Indeed, He is All-Hearing and answers the prayer. And every success is from Allah Alone.  All Praise is due to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds.


Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies.

Grand Mufti of Jordan,

Dr. Abdulkareem al-Khasawneh

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh, Member

Dr. Mahmoud Al-Sartawi, Member (Left before the end of the Board`s meeting)

Dr. Majed al-Darawsheh, Member

Sheikh Sa`eid Al-Hijjawi, Member

Judge, Dr. Samer Al-Kubbaj, Member

Dr. Amjad Rasheed, Member (Although the statement covers important and pressing issues in guiding society, it isn`t sufficient. Therefore, I recommend that real studies, in written form, are conducted by experts about the justifications for the Friday curfew {Friday prayer} and banning people from walking to the mosque to perform Fajr and Maghrib prayers since their time is very close to the beginning and end of the curfew-hours. I also recommend considering allowing people to walk to the mosque for `Isha prayer. All of this should be conducted through validated studies from experts in written, not verbal form, then the statement should be based on this form along with complete adherence to safety instructions inside the mosque and other venues).

Dr. Ahmad al-Hasanat, Member

Dr. Mohammad Younis Al-Zou`bi, Member


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Summarized Fatawaa

I have been married for five years. My husband has two sons from his first marriage. Nevertheless, I took care of his children, and gave birth to a baby boy who is now three years old. Unfortunately, we keep fighting all the time; sometimes over his two sons and sometimes over his family. If I serve his family members and praise them, he treats me kindly. If I don`t, he turns my life into living hell. What should I do?

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all of his family and companions.

Spouses should live with each other on a footing of kindness and equity. In your case, constructive dialogue is the best course of action. We advise you to be patient, commit your affair to Allah and ask Him to help you. We also recommend that you seek the help of the people of goodness and make them fix things between you and your husband. If all attempts for reconciliation fail then go to court, but we remind you that a problem, which could be solved with a beautiful word, is no problem at all, so praise family and children and try your best to win their hearts. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

A woman died at the age of ninety. Her living children are nine: two sons and two daughters. The youngest of her grandchildren, from her son who passed away one year before her, is aged thirty-two. Are these grandchildren entitled to the obligatory bequest although they are aged thirty-two and above?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
A Muslim isn`t obligated to leave a bequest to his grandchildren whose father had passed away; rather, this act is recommended. Therefore, if he left a bequest whereby they get less than one third of the estate then Allah will reward him for that. However, if he left no bequest for them then they get nothing because their paternal uncles are alive and they are closer to the deceased and more entitled to inherit him. This is the position of the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence. However, the Personal Status Law didn`t adopt this position; rather, it gave them the same amount to which their father is entitled when alive but his father or mother are dead; provided that it doesn`t exceed one third of the estate. Therefore, we advise them (Grandchildren) to relinquish this share of the inheritance. If not, then we advise their paternal uncles to overlook the amounts taken from their shares and given to their paternal nephews. And Allah the Almighty knows best. 

What is the ruling of Sharia on tubal ligation?

All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
Undergoing tubal ligation* to protect the mother`s health is permissible provided that this procedure is performed based on professional opinion of trustworthy medical doctors. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

*Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for female sterilization in which the fallopian tubes are permanently blocked, clipped or removed. This prevents the fertilization of eggs by sperm and thus the implantation of a fertilized egg. Tubal ligation is considered a permanent method of sterilization and birth control.



Is it permissible for the guardian, or the father of the child to hit the latter in order to teach him/her good manners?

It is permissible for the guardian to hit his/her child for teaching them good manners once they become ten years old provided that it is done mildly, harmlessly and without intimidation. Actually, such punishment is to be employed gradually i.e. after: asking, warning, and scolding. As for the teacher, he isn`t allowed to hit the student unless the latter`s father approves of it, and it is done according to necessity without intimidation, or harm.