Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 06-05-2019

Resolution No.(275)(9/2019), By The Board of Iftaa', Researches and Islamic Studies:

"Sighting the Crescent of Ramadan, 1440 AH"

Date: (29/ Sha`ban/1440 AH), corresponding to (5/5/2019 AD).


All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds and may his peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

On its fifth session held on the above date, the Board reviewed sighting the crescent of Ramadan for this year (1440) based on the astronomical calculations conducted by the Crescents Committee of the General Iftaa` Department.

After deliberating, the Board decided the following:

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Allah, The Almighty, Said (What means): "Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur’an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgment (Between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting" {Al-Baqarah/185}. Allah also Said (What means): "They ask thee concerning the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men, and for Pilgrimage" {Al-Baqarah/189}. Moreover, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Observe fast on sighting it (the new moon) and break it on sighting it." {Related by Bukhari}.

In compliance with the texts of Sharia, the Iftaa` Board accompanied by the Chief Justice, the Minister of Awqaf, a number of eminent scholars, and experts of astronomy convened on Sunday evening (29th of Sha`baan, 1440 AH, corresponding to 5/5/2019) to sight the crescent of Ramadan (the new moon).

Based on the findings-which were harmonious with the astronomical calculations - of the Crescent Sighting Committee at the General Iftaa` Department and other specialized authorities, it was ascertained to the Board that tomorrow, Monday, will complement the month of Sha`baan. Consequently, Tuseday will be the first day of the holy month of Ramadan for the year 1440 AH, 5/5/2019 AD.

Accordingly, the Board is pleased to extend the warmest of congratulations to His Majesty King Abdullah the second Ibn Al-Hussein, His crown Prince, and the Hashemite Family on this blessed occasion. May Allah protect His Majesty and grant Him good health.

The Board also extends its congratulations to the people of Jordan as well as the Arab and Muslim Nation. It prays that Allah makes it a month of peace, security, faith, goodness and piety. And may Allah Accept our fast and night prayers. And Allah the Almighty Knows Best.


Chairperson of Iftaa` Board,

Grand Mufti of Jordan,

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh

Sheikh Abdulkareem Al-Khasawneh, Member

Dr. Ahmad Al-Hasanat, Member

Sheikh Sa`eid Al-Hijjawi, Member

Judge Khalid Woraikat, Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Zou`bi/ Member

Prof. Adam Nooh Al-Qhodaat/Member

Dr Mohammad Khair al-Esa/Member

Dr. Rashaad Al-Kelaani/Member

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Summarized Fatawaa

Is committing Zina (Adultery and extramarital sex) without the intention of getting pregnant or deflowered considered full Zina?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May Allah`s peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) says: "The eyes commit fornication, the hands, the feet, and the private parts." [Musnad Ahmad, P.3912]. Sheikh Shu`aib `Arn`oot graded this Hadith as sound. What you are asking about is far graver. Generally speaking,  sincere repentance erases sins, good deeds erase bad deeds, and fearing Allah stops one from committing this heinous act. In addition, the devil is man`s worst enemy and whoever surrenders themselves to the wolf will be eaten. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

My maternal aunt`s son is living abroad; however, both our families have recited Al-Fatehah declaring our engagement. We have been engaged for three months, but the marriage contract wasn`t concluded because he couldn`t come to Jordan since my mother and brothers are abroad. Is it allowed that he sees my picture without Hijab knowing that the marriage contract will be concluded at the first opportunity?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
Betrothal is a promise to marry, so your betrothed is a stranger to you and isn`t permitted to look at you even through a picture. Once your marriage contract is concluded, you become husband and wife and he can look at you as much as he wants. Moreover, he may deputize his father to carry out the procedures of the marriage on his behalf. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

Is it permissible for a woman to swear a false oath by the Holy Quran to please her distrustful husband?

It is forbidden for a person to do so since this is considered a false oath(Yamaan Ghamoos) which dips(Yaghmos) its taker in Hellfire if he/she doesn`t seek repentance, and he/she has to expiate for that oath. You should avoid any doubtful acts so that your husband`s chest remains clear from the evil suggestions of the devil.

What is the ruling on having brotherly ties between a strange man and a strange woman, and is the former considered a Mahram(unmarriageable) to the latter?

Such a relation between a strange man and a strange woman is forbidden in Islam because it involves forbidding what Allah has allowed by marriage, and allowing what Allah has forbidden such as looking and the like. Such a relation doesn`t render any act lawful between them, thus they are forbidden to look at each other, have a Khulwah(seclusion), and travel together.