Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 03-12-2015


Resolution No.(42): "Circulating a Copy of the Mus-haf with the Phrase "Al-Quran Shariat Al-Mojtama`" on its Cover"

Date: 13/9/1419 AH, corresponding to 31/12/1998


The Board has received the following question:

What is the ruling of Sharia on a Mu-Shaf that has the phrase "Al-Quran Shariat Al-Mojtama`" (The Quran is the Law of the society) on its cover, and is it permissible to circulate it amongst people?

Answer: All prefect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

The Board is of the view that it isn`t permissible to inscribe any phrase that limits the Noble Quran and its message to a certain point, or attribute, such as the one given in the above question.

Therefore, it is imperative to reprint new covers for such copies since it is impermissible to circulate them while holding the above phrase. And Allah Knows Best.

Chairman of the Iftaa`Board, Chief Justice, The Grand Mufti of Jordan, Izzaldeen Al-Tamimi

Sheikh Sa`eid Hijjawi

     Dr. Mahmoud Al-Bakheet

             Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Shewayat

   Dr. Mahmood Al-Sartawi

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Summarized Fatawaa

What should a woman who is in a state of menstruation, or confinement do if she became ritually pure during the day of Ramadhaan ?

If she became pure during the day time of Ramadhaan, it is desirable for her to fast the rest of that day, and to make up for it along with the days that she had missed due to menstruation.

A Christian woman wants to marry a Muslim man through an unregistered marriage contract and for a specific period because of certain circumstances. She is an adult and wants to know the correct procedure so as not to make any mistakes. What is the correct thing to do in this regard?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
Every marriage should be conducted through court in order to preserve the rights of the spouses and avoid any accusations. In fact, a person shouldn`t be ashamed of what is lawful. Rather, he/she should overcome those circumstances and start in the correct way. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

Is it permissible for the mother to give her children from the Zakah(obligatory charity) of her money?

It is permissible for the mother to give her children from the Zakah of her money if they are Zakah-eligible recipients, and she isn`t obliged to provide for them.

Is it permissible to make up for missed fast after the beginning of the second half of the month of Sha`ban(the month before Ramadhaan) ?

Yes, it is permissible, but one who had missed fasts should hasten to make up for them. As for the Hadith mentioned in this regard, the prohibition is for offering absolute voluntary fasting.