Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 28-10-2015

Resolution No.(32): “Ruling on Writing the Quran in a Style other than the Ottoman“

Date: 7/11/1413 corresponding to 29/4/1993 AD.

The Board has received the following question:

What is the Sharia ruling on the following: writing the Noble Quran in a style other than the Ottoman? Adhering to one narration as regards the number of Quranic verses? Writing “ الله-محمد ” in a raised manner at the beginning of the Mus-haf or on its cover? Writing “ صدق الله العظيم “ at the end of the last verse of the Mus-haf and the end of a verse in an illustrative picture?

Answer: All success is due to Allah.

The Board deems the following:

1- Writing the Mus-haf in a style other than the Ottoman is impermissible, except in educational books.

2- Adherence to one narration as regards the number of Quranic verses for there are specialized people in this field, who have acknowledged writing the Mus-haf and have also provided numbers at the end of verses in accordance with their preponderant opinion in that regard. Nonetheless, there is no harm in circulating a Mus-haf where the numbers of verses differ from that which is mentioned above, based on other narrations so long as the text is identical with the rest of the Mus-haf.

3- As regards writing " الله-محمد " : The Board doesn`t recommend doing so; however, it doesn`t have any objection as regards circulating Mus-hafs that already have them.

4- As regards writing “ صدق الله العظيم “ at the end of the last verse of the Mus-haf: The Board doesn`t recommend such a thing; however, it doesn`t object to circulating a Mus-haf in which this phrase is written after the chapter “ An-Naass “ , and in a pattern different from that used in the Mus-haf. As regards writing “ صدق الله العظيم “ at the end of illustrative pictures made by calligraphists to be hanged inside houses, there is no harm in that, provided that this phrase doesn`t give the impression that it is a part of the Quranic verse itself. And Allah Knows Best.

Iftaa` Board
Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, Chief Justice, Dr. Nooh Al-Qodaat
Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Abbadi
Dr. Ahmad Hilayel
Dr. Mahmood Al-Sartawi
Sheikh Saeid Hijjawi
Sheikh Mahmood Shwayaat
Sheikh Ratib Az-zahir

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Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible for the children of a deceased father to settle his debt from the Zakah(obligatory charity) money due on them?

It is impermissible to use the Zakah of one`s money for settling the debts of the deceased. However, children should settle the debts of their deceased parents out of filial piety.

Is it permissible to divide the Aqeeqah amongst one`s brothers and family?

Giving a portion of the Aqeeqah, even a small one, to the poor and needy is obligatory, and if one`s brothers and family are among the needy then, they are more entitled to it, and this way it is a charity and an observation of kinship ties. However, if they aren`t needy then, it is permissible to give them from the Aqeeqah after giving the poor and needy their share.

Is it permissible for a woman to go out wearing bright colors?

Bright colors are part of a woman`s adornment, and it is impermissible for her to show it to people other than her husband, or one of her Mahrams(Unmarriageable kin).

Is Zakah due on a woman`s saved gold?

Zakah(obligatory charity) is due on saved gold if it reached Nissab(minimum amount liable for Zakah), and a lunar year had lapsed over owning it. The due Zakah is (2.5%).