Date : 19-08-2010

Question :

Is it permissible to accept that the employees of some public and private companies pay the price of Udhiyah by installments? This is in order to facilitate for the needy employees to offer this sacrificial animal during Eid Ul Adha. This is provided that these companies pay the price of the animals to the provider Tikyat Um Ali (A charitable organization) and deduct that from the salaries of the employees in the form of payments. 

The Answer :

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.


Udhiyah is a Sunnah for the person who can afford it, but one who can`t isn`t required to offer it. However, if a person wanted to offer it and borrowed money for that, then his Udhiyah is valid and acceptable Insh`Allah.

In conclusion, it is permissible for the above companies to pay to Tikyat Um Ali the price of the Udhiyahs on behalf of their employees under the consideration that it is a zero-interest loan. This is provided that an employee pays the same price paid by the company itself to the above charity. It is also conditioned that the deductions made from the employee`s salary are free of any interest to prevent falling into usury (Riba). And Allah the Almighty Knows Best.